Jake Shimabukuro 給大家的ukulele練習小叮嚀:
Aguiter 覺得對於 ukulele玩家們 有很多值得參考的地方喔 !
態度 很重要!你對ukulele的看法決定你會成就的程度!
1. Change your strings at least once every 2 months.
2. File the finger nails of your strumming hand and use a buffer to really make them smooth. You’ll get a better tone when you pick and strum!
3. Keep the nails on your other hand really short. It’ll be easier to hold your chords.
4. Practice playing really soft/quite and be very gentle with the strings. This will help you with your control and dynamics.
5. Work on one hand at a time. For example, if you’re learning a new chord progression, practice holding the chords first without strumming. Then once you get that down, then add the other hand.
6. Play songs that make you happy! That way you’ll always be inspired to practice!
7. Make sure to take breaks during your practice sessions! Don’t practice for more than an hour without taking a 10 minute break. Your muscles need time to rest. Also, if your fingers get too tired and you can’t concentrate, you’ll start developing bad habits.
練習時要安排小休,如練習1小時就要給肌肉休息10分鐘,手指太疲倦 / 無法集中精神的練習對你有害無益。
8. Don’t get frustrated. If you start feeling discouraged or angry because you can’t play a song, just take a break and rest for a while. Remember, playing your instrument should be fun and relaxing.
9. If you’re really having a difficult time learning a song, just break it down to the basics. Work on short segments. Just practice one measure over and over. Then add the second measure. Then later add the third. Keep going until you’ve got the whole song down.
10. Try to practice everyday. Even if you only have five minutes. As your finger muscles develop, you’ll find yourself learning a lot quicker.
Have fun and enjoy! Ganbatte!!!
More tips for playing the ukulele
1. When strumming, position your right hand so that your finger makes contact with the strings between the 12th and 14th fret.
掃弦時掃在12 – 14琴格之間
2. Always wipe your ukulele down after long practice sessions…especially the neck of the instrument.
3. Listen carefully to every note/sound that you make.
4. Practice everything really slow.
5. Play songs that make you feel good/happy!! 彈令你感覺良好 / 快樂的歌