







 順便介紹一下Martin :

吉他界第一把交椅的Martin吉他, 擁有快200年的歷史.


冗長的歷史,1796Christian Frederick Martin (以後統稱C. F. Martin)的出生看起.在德國Markneukirchen誕生的他, 家族是做木箱工業的. C.F. Martin20多歲時, 遠赴維也納向當時非常有聲望的吉他師傅Johann Stauffer學藝.這段學徒生涯對以後的Martin吉他有很正面及深遠的影響.


由於德國當時木箱製造業在提琴協會的強烈打壓下, 製造吉他音箱

備受阻擾, 1833 C.F. Martin 決定舉家移民至美國. Martin 廠牌的名號

也在那年正式算起. 五年後移至現在仍是總部的美國賓州 Nazareth .


經歷過曼陀鈴熱潮, 烏克利利繁盛期, 美國戰後經濟大蕭條等重要階段. Martin 吉他不管在任何環境的挑戰之下, 仍然維持最高水準的品質與原則, 在木吉他界屹立不搖. 2004年造出了第一百萬把琴的Martin, 其最大的發明其實在1840年代左右, 所謂的 X Bracing System. 此結構設計保留明亮高頻的音色, 加上飽滿的低頻響應, 是讓Martin 吉他能縱橫吉他界百年來的理由之一. 使用樂手多且廣泛的Martin, 代表者有: Sting, Jim Croce, Laurence Juber 還有 Eric Clapton.  都是大師~~



The C.F Martin Story

For well over a century and a half, The Martin Guitar Company has been continuously producing acoustic instruments that are acknowledged to be the finest in the world.

The Martin Guitar Company has, through the years, managed to survive with each succeeding generation from C. F. Martin, Sr.'s Stauffer influenced creations of the 1830s to recent developments introduced by C. F. Martin IV. Continuous operation under family management is a feat bordering on the remarkable, reflecting six generations of dedication to the guitarmaker's craft. In or out of the music industry, C. F. Martin has few rivals for sheer staying power.

Throughout its colorful history, the company has adapted successfully to continual changes in product design, distribution systems, and manufacturing methods. In spite of the many changes, C. F. Martin has never veered away from its initial commitment to quality. The concern for producing the finest instruments possible in 1833 is especially evident today at Martin's expanded facility in Nazareth , Pennsylvania .


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